Tuesday 5 July 2011


My first post on my new blog. The title is paying homage to my old blog, which when I read recently seemed like another life, a lifetime ago. I have recently graduated from university and I am officially a qualified occupational therapist. I also now LOVE beetroot and baked beans :)

Aaaanyways. Me and Hawwa are going to Tanzania iiiin *drum roll* 11 days time. I can't quite take the excitement! We skyped with Krupa today to discuss all the things that we are going to do when we are out there and its made it so real! Quite a lot of nitty things need to be done before so I guess I should get on that.

So the deal is that I am going to update this regularly (cuz, you know your keen for all the goss) when I am Africa to keep everyone updated on the things we do and the places we be.

And now as is tradition from my old blog I am going to leave you with 7ikmat el-post( wisdom of the post). This just means any sort of tidbit that I have found interesting, beautiful, inspirational or (mildly)amusing. I leave you in the capable and eloquent hands of Markus Zusak. Check back soon cuz you know exciting adventures are a-coming.

7ikmat el-post:
The words were on their way, and when they arrived, she would hold them in her hands like the clouds, and she would wring them out like the rain.

1 comment:

  1. I'M SO JEALOUS. Hope you guys have an amazing and fruitful experience.
